Phone: +91-8989-960361
whats-app-no  Phone: +91-9752874114

Leaves Rules

  • 1. No leaves of absence is granted except on previous written application from parents or guardians and then only for serious reasons.
  • 2. In case of absence without leave, the student on returning to school must produce the reason of absence certificate from his parents.A students returning to school after a con-tagious disease should also produce a doctor's certificate permitting him/her to do so. The school accepts no re-sponsibility if due to failure in producing such certificate a student is obliged to return home during class hours.
  • 3. All are expected to attend the school on the re-opening day after each of the vacations. Those absent due to sickness must produce a medical certificate before they are admitted to class.Absence for more than fifteen days renders the pupils liable to be struck off the rolls, re-admission, if granted will be done on payment of admission fee only.