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Rules Of Discipline

  • 1. Every student should bring his/her school Diary daily.
  • 2. Children must be in their respective class-rooms at least ten minutes before the times.
  • 3. The warning bell before class is a signal to go to their class rooms keeping silence.
  • 4. All pupils are expected to be present for assembly during which they pray together.
  • 5. The attendance roll will be taken at the beginning of the sessions.
  • 6. No child is permitted to leave the school premises without the permission of the principal, which will be granted only at the specific written request of the parents.
  • 7. All should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The School uniform is to be worn on all class days. A student who is slovenly dressed may be excluded from the classroom or even sent home.
  • 8. During the recess pupils are expected to leave the class-rooms.
  • 9. The principal has the right to confiscate books, newspaper, periodicals and any other items which may be considered objectionable.
  • 10. All the students must speak English in the school, failing which they are liable to be punished.
  • 11. Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged between the students.
  • 12. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started and no meeting, party or picnic may be held without previous sanction of the Principal.
  • 13. Presents to the members of the staff or other demonstrations in their honors also requires previous sanction.
  • 14. Any pupil desiring to be exempted from the PT or games must produce a doctor's certificate to the effect that he/she is physically unfit to take part therein.
  • 15. Children have no permission to attend parties; to go to the cinema or to go to friend's home on their way back home from school.
  • 16. Care must be taken of all school property and no pupil should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage or furniture of the school write or draw anything on the wall or in any way damage belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal.
  • 17. All letters and correspondence addressed to pupils are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal.
  • 18. The school is not responsible for article or money lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches, ornaments, etc.) to school. Pupil below standard V should not wear wrist watches in the school.
  • 19. Running, playing, shouting and whistling inside the school building is never allowed.
  • 20. Parents and guardians are not permitted to walk into the classroom or interview teachers during class hours.
  • 21. The name, standard and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all his/her belongings.
  • 22. The students should behave in a refined manner wherever they go, they should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should always greet their teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice wherever they meet them, in school or outside.
  • 23. Pupils shall be cheerful in their obedience to their parents and teachers giving them always the respect and affection and accepting their guidance and corrections with gratitude.
  • 24. Cycles must be kept locked and at the cycle stand only students should not ride around the school compound on bicycles. While entering or leaving the school gate, one must walk instead of riding.
  • 25. Students who come to school in the care of servants should never leave before the servant arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.
  • 26. Those who go home alone should not loiter about the way. They should be prompt in returning home. Students are warned not to buy anything, especially eatables from street vendors.
  • 27. Students will not be called to answer phone call during class hours.
  • 28. Enrolment in sacred Heart Convent School implies on the part of the pupil and parents, willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
  • 29. The Principal has the right to suspend or require the withdrawal of any pupil without having to state any reason.


  • 1. Never omit the lesson or home work assigned, if you do, it is like missing a train that you can never catch afterwards.
  • 2. Always revise the work done in class, and make sure that you have understood everything clearly.
  • 3. If memory work is assigned, learn it overnight and repeat it in the morning.
  • 4. Always take down in your diary the work that is assigned for next day.
  • 5. All home work should be done neatly and the day's work always dated. Each new home-work should be done on a fresh page.
  • 6. As you grow up make a daily time-table for yourself for your study (the different subject in the order of difficulty, the most difficult one being the first) for your rest and recreation etc. In this way you will learn to be a person of regular habits, a most valuable asset in a later life.
  • 7. Revise at the end of the week, all that was learnt during the week.