Phone: +91-8989-960361
whats-app-no  Phone: +91-9752874114

Payment For Fees

  • 1. Fees once paid are not refundable.
  • 2. Fee will be collected in 5 installments The Amount of fees and other charges payable by the students, and the mode and time of payment is duly mentioned in the fee booklet issued to each student every year. Parents are advised to adhere to the schedule of payment of fees and charges strictly.
  • 3. These dates will strictly be observed and if the payment is not made in time, a fine of 30/- will be charged after the due date.
  • 4. If the fee is not paid even after one month of the due date the pupil's name will automatically be struck of the roll and re-admission may not be easily granted.
  • 5. Parents or guardians will kindly keep the receipts issued to them and produce them as proof of payment of fees if needed.
  • 6. Fees and other dues are liable to be revised at any time.
  • 7. If a student is admitted or withdrawn during any quarter he/she is required to pay full fee that quarter.
  • 8. A fee of 100/- is charged for issuing a school leaving certificate.
  • 9. Failure to pay the due fees and other charges before the commencement of the examinations may debar a student from it. In all cases, the school Management shall with hold the result and the student concerned will not be eligible for promotion to the next class unless the dues are cleared up within the time granted by the school Management.